We provide our customers with a complete maintenance package for their pool and garden, we undertake the arrangement of your own garden, by qualified staff, who have many years of experience in landscaping and maintenance of gardens.
Whether you are away on vacation, your second home or even if you live there and do not have the time or knowledge to deal with your garden or pool, there is no need to turn your outdoor space into a jungle.
A proper maintenance program ensures the longevity of the garden and includes, but is not limited to:
» Lawn maintenance program with:
Lawn mowing
Removal of dead tissue
Plant protection
» Program for the maintenance of other garden plants (trees, shrubs, flowers) with:
Plant protection
We provide our services, covering your needs for a healthy and clean garden.
Pool maintenance
Comprehensive care, technical inspection, disinfection and proper maintenance of the pool are of primary importance for its smooth and safe operation. The company Green Vacuum Cleaner with a specialized service department consisting of experienced professionals can cover every need for pool cleaning and maintenance.